AU - G., Zhao
AU - R., Chu
AU - T., Zhang
AU - J., Li
AU - J., Shen
AU - Z., Wu
PY - 2011
DA - 2011//
TI - Improving the rainfall rate estimation in the midstream of the Heihe River Basin using raindrop size distribution
JO - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
VL - 15
IS - 135
AB - During the intensive observation period of the Watershed Allied TelemetryExperimental Research (WATER), a total of 1074 raindrop size distributionwere measured by the Parsivel disdrometer, the latest state-of-the-art opticallaser instrument. Because of the limited observation data in Qinghai-TibetPlateau, the modelling behaviour was not well done. We used raindrop sizedistributions to improve the rain rate estimator of meteorological radar inorder to obtain many accurate rain rate data in this area. We got therelationship between the terminal velocity of the raindrop and the diameter (mm) of a raindrop: v(D) = 4.67 D 0.53. Then four types of estimators forX-band polarimetric radar are examined. The simulation results show that theclassical estimator R ( Z H) is most sensitive to variations in DSD and theestimator R ( K DP, Z H, Z DR) is the best estimator for estimatingthe rain rate. An X-band polarimetric radar (714XDP) is used for verifyingthese estimat...
SN - 1607-7938
ID - G.2011
ER -